How to clean the bathroom drain

Domenico Bertazzo Domenico Bertazzo
How to clean the bathroom drain

A bathroom sink can start to emit an unpleasant smell when toothpaste residue, hair and other elements accumulate in the drain. In addition to dirt, mould can also proliferate in the drain, slowing and blocking the flow of water. Regular cleaning helps prevent these deposits from clogging the drain. Should your sink become clogged, you can loosen the dirt deposits that have accumulated in the drain with BactDrain.

Keep the drain clear. Paying attention to what goes down the drain is perhaps the most important step you can take to keep it clean. This is especially true for the bathroom sink, which inevitably tends to accumulate different types of residues, such as hair. As a general rule, throw dirt residues in the waste bin if you think they might be harmful to the drain.

  • Avoid washing dishes or throwing food residues in the bathroom sink.
  • Do not throw personal hygiene products, such as cotton balls, dental floss or bits of toilet paper, down the sink drain.
  • Be careful to prevent the small round lining under the cap of some products from going down the drain.
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Use less soap and other products. Soap and other products that regularly go down the sink drain, such as toothpaste and shaving foam, can also contribute to the formation of deposits. Therefore, get into the habit of using less of them.

  • A small amount of toothpaste or hand soap should suffice.
  • Let the water run down the drain for a few seconds after using soap or toothpaste so that the residue can drain away.

Avoid packaged detergents. There are many reasons why it is best to avoid using chemical-based detergents. They can corrode pipes and damage other plumbing components. Sono anche tossici e possono finire nella falda acquifera della zona.